Tuesday, July 6, 2010

There's no use talking about the problem unless you talk about the solution.

Don't hide, don't run away, don't turn back, don't stop, don't turn left or right. Just face it and keep on going, move forward. It might be hard, it might hurt, it might make us very unhappy to move on and to accept the truth but the truth is always the best. nothing can change the fact of the truth.

we are like tiny ants finding for food, when there is sugar we go there. when there is tasty food we all go there but do we think of the consequences. we might just go and eat the food for a second and die the next minute when someone smashes us with their hands. tiny ants are brave as well. that means however small we feel, however lousy and useless we feel, as long as we are brave. we can do all things. believing in ourselves is very important. if we do not believe in ourselves, we can never find it easy believing others. Like people always say, love yourself before loving others. sometimes taking risk is better than not doing anything and not trying. who knows what will happen. trying will always be better than not trying. giving up before trying is what losers do. we should buck up and go on with life. if i could sum everything up, in three words. it would be 'it goes on'

"Do-so" is more important than "say-so."

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